Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What are the 6 crystal forms?

What are the 6 crystal forms? Name a mineral for each form.

  • Cubic- Gersdorffite

  • Tetragonal- Zircon

  • Hexagonal- Cinnabar

  • Orthorhombic- Topaz

  • Monoclinic- Azurite

  • Triclinic- Turquoise

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Which is your favorite?

Which is your favorite?Geology, Oceanography, or Astronomy?

My favorite is Oceanography because I to be in the ocean and visit beaches. I also like Oceanography because I have previously learned aobut the ocean and found it to be very interesting. What I find interesting the how the ocean climate changes, and how the tides move. This is why I enjoy Oceanography, and hopefully I can go deeper into the science about Oceanography.

Which is your favorite map projection?

Which is your favorite map projection?Why?

My favorite map projection is the Gnomic Projection.The Gnomic Projection is my favorite because it is a little more creative than the other projections, and I think it is more interesting than the others. I also enjoy this map because it also seems easier and less confusing than some other maps, and seems to be very accurate, and looking at it from a flat surface is almost like looking at a map, though it is a globe.